Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Party

Good evening everyone! It's been awhile hasn't it? I would be posting more often, except for the sad fact that I have to study for tests and things like that! Enough of depressing subjects, I am joining in Miss Kellie's delightful Give Thanks Blog Party

1. List three (little) things you wouldn't want to live without
Uhmmm probably books, animals, and the great out doors
2. Name something you had to do without recently
A heated room, lately been piling blankets on my bed because of the cold draft from my new and not quite finished window.
3. What are you most thankful for that you consider a luxury?
Having my own room, which in a family of ten is quite a luxury!
4. Name an item you use the most throughout your day
My mama's kindle, I am currently addicted to the books by Elizabeth Gaskell and am doving through Wives and Daughters
5. What would life be like without the item listed in #4?
Not too bad, but I would miss all the free old books. I guess I would have to resort to the book forms, not too bad a thing in my estimation.
6. Name something that you use in the kitchen that you are thankful for
Our grace radio, I love listening to old radio shows while cleaning the kitchen!
7. What is (one of ) the best earthly gift(s) you ever received?
Very tough question, hmmm, I think that their are too many for me to count but one that comes to mind is the gift of life (I think that counts as earthly), I would have to admit that it is rather hard to enjoy anything else without this gift!
8. Name a completely random thing you are thankful for
Sweaters, great for a cold room, and socks too, its amazing how warm they can keep you!
9. How often do you think about the item listed in #8?
How often? Well practically never I suppose, just grab the sweater whenever I'm cold. Same thing goes for the socks.
10. Name something you recently acquired, that you have wanted for a long time
Not exactly, I did get a dress for Christmas that I have been wanting for the total of one morning! Mentioned to my mama that morning that I didn't have a dress for Christmas, and that very evening my mama finds a beautiful velvet dress (I think it looks like it could have come from the 1940's) for one dollar at the thrift store!
11. Would you rather have #4, or #7?
Not very hard decision there! I think I would rather be alive then have a kindle to read! Rather hard to enjoy anything without #7!
12. Name one of your favorite things
Horses! Have been crazy about them since I was three years old! Still am for that matter!
13. Look around the room you are in, and name three things you enjoy in it
Knitting, Reading, and playing with my cat, Oh wait sleeping's nice too!
14. List three tools you use in your daily work that you are thankful for
Notebooks, computer, and pens, rather boring but when pretty much all you do all day is do homework, there aren't too many things that you have to use for that. Still I'm very thankful for these daily tools even if they are rather boring!
15. Name something that you sometimes wish you didn't have in your life, but that you would miss dreadfully if it were taken away
I don't think I know how to answer this question, it poses a rather difficult question. But I shall give a rather odd answer to it and it may not make very much sense. Pain, that is my answer, but before you start thinking that I enjoy this or something, pain is really a one of those things that we never see as a blessing, but I think that it is. With pain we learn many things, and through our pain we become closer to God. We can even use our pain as an offering to God. I have in my life experienced quite a bit of physical pain, and still do though my headaches, but even though I would love for these to stop, it is not always what is best for us. Now that I have finished my little sermon on pain, you may now commence to the next question!
16. Post a picture (or ten) of something you are thankful for!
Large Families! Mine expecally!

Little siblings!
Very Long hair

Long walks in the woods
Old books!
I hope that you will all have a blessed Thanksgiving!


Kellie said...

Lovely post, Rose!

I really enjoyed reading Wives & Daughters, as well as North & South - I saw the film adaptation for that one first, though, and I instantly pictured Mr. Thornton as Richard Armitage... Not necessarily a bad thing;)

And I really, really loved your answer for No. 15.
That is so very true, and my sister and I were actually having a late-night talk last night on that very subject! Pain, and suffering, need never be needless - there is so much to learn from them, not to mention the ability to relate to others going through similar trials with greater sympathy and understanding.


Hana - Marmota said...

Your own room is definitely a luxury! We're just a family of five, and I only have a room for myself now that one of my sisters is married and the other one temporarily in Latvia. Which means I'll be back to shared rooms when she comes back - not that I mind that much, because the late night talks with her I enjoy much more than my own room. :-)