Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sir Edward Landseer - Victorian painter

Sorry about not posting for a while, it has been very difficult for me to get to computer recently, but in the mean while I have had some time to think of what I should post. I decided to post about a Victorian painter, Sir Edward Landseer. He was well known for his portraits of animals, in fact because of his paintings of the Newfoundland dog, Landseer is the official name for the variety of that breed which he depicted in a painting like this
Saved by Sir Edward Landseer
Besides doing portraits of dogs he also did many of horses. Here is my favorite of his;
The Shrew Tamed or The Beautiful Housekeeper by Sir Edward Landseer
He was frequently commissioned to paint the Royal family and their pets.
Queen Victoria at Osborn House by Sir Edward Landseer
Besides having a obsession with the old things, I also have an obsession with animals, so you can imagine my excitement in finding these paintings.

1 comment:

Imogen said...

Lovely pictures. I love seeing paintings of animals.